Place Value
Place value is the value of a digit in a number. For example, in the number 762, the 7 is in the hundreds place, indicating a value of 700, 6 is in the tenth place indicating 60 and 2 is in the unit place.
Place Value Worksheets
Place Value of tens and Ones
Practice writing place value of tens and ones
Grade 1 Grade 2 Ks 1 Year 2 Year 1
Place Value upto hundreds (a)
Practice writing place value up to hundreds given in question format.
Grade 1 Ks 1 Year 2
Place Value of Tens & Ones (a)
Practice writing place value of tens and ones in question format.
Grade 1 Ks 1 Year 1
Place Value upto thousands (a)
Practice writing place value up to thousands given in question format.
Grade 2 Ks 1 Year 3